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Scott A. Wolfson Invited to Join American College of Bankruptcy As Fellow

Scott A. Wolfson Invited to Join American College of Bankruptcy As Fellow

The American College of Bankruptcy announced that Scott A. Wolfson will be inducted as a Fellow next March in Washington D.C. The Induction Ceremony and Reception in honor of the new Fellows will take place at the Smithsonian Donald W. Reynolds Center for American Art and Portraiture. Fellows will be honored for their professional excellence and their exceptional contributions to the bankruptcy and insolvency field. Scott is one of 31 Fellows in the College’s 2020 class that includes three federal judges and three U.S. and international professors. He is the only inductee this year from Michigan.

The American College of Bankruptcy is an honorary association of bankruptcy and insolvency professionals and plays an important role in sustaining professional excellence in the field. College Fellows include commercial and consumer bankruptcy attorneys, judges, insolvency accountants, turnaround and workout specialists, law professors, government officials and others in the bankruptcy and insolvency community. The College offers unique and challenging educational programs and publications, maintains the National Bankruptcy Archives at the University of Pennsylvania School of Law, and, in conjunction with the American College of Bankruptcy Foundation, is believed to be the single largest financial supporter of pro bono bankruptcy services in the United States, contributing over $3 million since 2012.

Nominees are extended an invitation to join based on a sustained record of achievement. Candidates are selected by the College’s Board of Regents from among recommendations of Circuit Admissions Councils in each federal judicial circuit and specially appointed Committees for Judicial and International Fellows.

Criteria for selection as a Fellow of the College include: the highest standard of professionalism, ethics, character, integrity, professional expertise and leadership contributing to the enhancement of bankruptcy and insolvency law and practice; sustained evidence of scholarship, teaching, lecturing or writing on bankruptcy or insolvency; community service; and commitment to elevate knowledge and understanding of the profession and public respect for the practice.

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