
Our People

Offices of Wolfson Bolton Kochis PLLS | Troy Michigan

A Law Firm Focused on You

Our firm takes great pride in upholding a reputation for providing top-tier legal services, with an unwavering commitment to our clients’ success. With a dedicated team of experienced attorneys, we offer comprehensive counsel and representation across a range of practice areas, including corporate and consumer bankruptcy, litigation, transactional matters, automotive supply chain, and alternative dispute resolution. 

Our depth of experience and diverse practice positions us to represent commercial parties and individuals alike in complex litigation cases, bankruptcy and reorganization proceedings, and transactional matters. At our firm, we remain focused on meeting each client’s unique needs and goals, and we work tirelessly to deliver favorable outcomes that align with their best interests.

The Wolfson Bolton Kochis Team

Practice Lead – Corporate Bankruptcy & Restructuring; ADR/Facilitation

Practice Lead – Automotive & Supply Chain; Finance

Practice Lead – Litigation

Practice Lead – Consumer Bankruptcy

Practice Lead – Real Estate

Corporate, Mergers & Acquisitions and Emerging Growth

Practice Lead – Regulatory Compliance

Associate Attorney

Associate Atorney

Paralegal / Office Manager

Legal Administrative Assistant

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